
Cảm Biến Áp Suất Pressure Sensor Danfoss 0-6bar 060G1863

Hãng sản xuất: Danfoss

Mã thiết bị: 060G1863

Bảo hành: 12 Tháng

Xuất xứ: Trung Quốc

Tình trạng: Còn hàng

Xem thêm các Cảm Biến Áp Suất khác.

Xem thêm các Cảm Biến Áp Suất của Danfoss.

Giá liên hệ

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Chia sẻ sản phẩm này

Thông số kĩ thuật
Gross weight 0.178 Kilogram
Net weight 0.157 Kilogram
Volume 0.424 Liter
Accuracy, max. [±FS%] 1%
Accuracy, typical [±FS%] 0.50%
Adj. zero point and span No
Ambient temperature range [°C] [max] 100 °C
Ambient temperature range [°C] [min] -40 °C
Ambient temperature range [°F] [max] 212 °F
Ambient temperature range [°F] [min] -40 °F
Approval ATEX
Approval comments ATEX Ex ec IIA T4 Gc
CE evaluated Yes
China RoHS compliance Yes
Compensated temp. range [°C] [max] 100 °C
Compensated temp. range [°C] [min] 0 °C
Compensated temp. range [°F] [max] 212 °F
Compensated temp. range [°F] [min] 32 °F
EEE category 5 small equipment (any external dimension 50 cm)
Electrical conn. Male/Female Male and Female
Electrical connection Angular connector
Electrical connection size Pg 9
Electrical connection standard EN 175301-803-A
Enclosure rating IP IP65
EU RoHS compliance Yes
EU RoHS exemption clause No
Flush diaphragm No
High Clipping Level 22.4
In scope of WEEE Yes
In scope of WEEE and contain batteries No
International Article Number 5.70242E+12
Intrinsically safe No
Low Clipping level 3.6
Medium temperature range [°C] [max] 125 °C
Medium temperature range [°C] [min] -40 °C
Medium temperature range [°F] [max] 257 °F
Medium temperature range [°F] [min] -40 °F
Non-linearity BFSL [±FS%] 0.20%
Output signal Current
Output signal [mA] [max] 20 mA
Output signal [mA] [min] 4 mA
Overload pressure max. [bar] 60 bar
Packing format Multi pack
Pressure connection HEX [mm] 27 mm
Pressure connection size 4-Jan
Pressure connection standard DIN 3852-E
ISO 1179-2 (Form E)
Pressure connection type G
Pressure Male/Female Male
Pressure range [bar] [max] 6 bar
Pressure range [bar] [min] 0 bar
Pressure range [psi] [max] 87 psi
Pressure range [psi] [min] 0 psi
Pressure reference Gauge (relative)
Product group Sensors
Product Name Description Pressure transmitter
Pulse-snubber Yes
Quantity per packing format 14 pc
REACH Candidate List substances Lead (CAS no. 7439-92-1)
Response time max. [ms] 4 ms

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